
esok, my bro akan naik lagi ke majlis konvo.di salah sebuah universiti di malaysia ini.konvo yang kali kedua baginya. kalau dulu dia menerima ijazah perbomohan, hari esok dia menerima lagi segulung scroll dan kini bergelar bomoh pakar… hehehe. he’s a new o & g specialist in one of the hosp in in johor.

i’m not going to brag abt his achievements. i want to share his thoughts and his passion in life.and sometimes his believes makes me proud to be his bro… (klu kau baca ni, kau jangan dok perasan….. hahahahaha)

being a specialist in a normal gomen hospital, he’s getting abt 6k plus. a small amount compared to what he had to do daily and what he had sacrifies to be who he is now…the workloads, the stress,the on calls,the working on raya’s, the old outdated equipments,the red tapes,the politics and so many things…..

pernah i asked him, why dont you join private hospital ( of course ler ayat ni dah di translate dari bahasa kebangsaan aku..ggannu kiter)

he could easily get paid the minimum of 18k/month plus less stress and less workload

and he replies… tak mboh ahhhh… dok spital krajaangg buleh tulongg oghangg ghamai.hok kayo, hok misking hok gemuk hok puteh itang… dok spital prebet, sapo mampu jah ler……

i dont want,beeing with government hosp, i can help many people, be rich poor,big or black or fair… if i’m with private hosp..only the rich fellow can get my service….

May GOD bless you bro!!!

7 Responses to “tahniah”

  1. iskh! terharu gile ngan ur bro. nak menitik air mato den baco…kim salam den kek dio..jangan lupo..susah nak caghi orang macam dio tuh..salute!!!

  2. Respect ler your brother tuh.

    baguh lah die nok tulong sumer oghang,dok kighe sape. Bukang senang nok carik oghang hok dok materialistik gituh. Hats off to him..

  3. hahaha adik tu ikut contoh abang dia….
    ngeh ngeh ngeh

  4. ayueayang Says:

    memang abg you nih seorang yg bercirikan doktor sebenar. keja bukan kerana duit tp mmg nak berbakti pd manusia. syabas..

  5. ayu : brother as is adik… i am the abanglong so tiada mamat yang layak dipanggil abang untuk saya….ngeh ngeh ngeh

  6. terharu ler…
    tak sangka ada juga org yang berjiwa mcm ni lagi. may God bless your bro… panjangkan umur dia supaya dapat tolong lagi ramai orang…

  7. […] your language my bro and his family spent a night at my house today. apparently he and his wife berjaya mendapat […]

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