Archive for engineering concepts

penin aku

Posted in kerja with tags , , on August 2, 2010 by abanglong

meet them more than a month ago. to present a concept design of a machine that can automatically fold the carton box.

to speed up their production

to ensure less fatigue injury

and most important; to reduce manpower.

i’ve prepared the presentation

video presentation

technical specs

theoritical plan layout

space utilised

and bla bla bla

few times tau ulang alik.

they were really interested

and i could say i was happy

sample one set.. if ok then another 17 sets. (wahaha…mana nak cekau modal !)

alhamdulillah….. rezeki anak anak anak anak anak anak anak.

ETA – end august. so if ok, i’ll have two months period.. just nice

some of the parts need to indent from Japan.



and i present them our quotation..

they all suddenly loose interest

call tak pickup

and sms never replied.

aku hangin… tannak just cakap tannak…

senang keja, rite.




so i said to my guys;

takyah angan2… projek tu kita tak dapat..



but today,

the boss called me.

saying that they were interested

and will proceed the order after certain documents settled.




what should i do ?

should accept or not ?

due date still end august !!!!



fikiran jahat aku…..

they took our concept idea, and maybe, just maybe

asked another vendor to fabricate/study/tiru/built it

cut cost !!

and maybe

just maybe

the vendor failed…




nak tak nak they have to call me back… !




ishh… esok need to attend meeting with them.